


We created a site for you, so you can Buy and Sell products.

1-Click on the Menu Bar.

2-Click on the “Vendor Registration”

3-Enter necessary information.

4-Click “Submit”

5-Now click on “Menu” again.

6- Click on “Vendor Dashboard” Enter your registered user name and password.

7-Vendor Dashboard Screen will be displayed.

8-Select three parallel line on top.  9-Select product manager.                

10-Click on “Add product”.

11-Click on “Add Media” You can use your phone, tablet or your computer to do this. Add image or photo or video there.

11-Click on “Set Product image” and upload your product image.

12-under “product data” enter your regular price and your discounted price.

13- under “product short description” write a description of the item you are selling.

14- Look for the “publish” button and click on that.

15- Now is published and it will be displayed on Bargain Pyramid, for buyers to view your listed products. YOU CAN ALWAYS CALL OR EMAIL US FOR ANY QUESTION.

Company charges 15% commissioin for any product that you sell on this platform, that is the only fee you pay. We maintain your store for you, and there is no cost to you to have an online store here.